Taboo, Brighton & Hove’s sex shop

Taboo the must-visit sex shop in Brighton

Launched in 2003 by Tim Richardson, Taboo has established itself as the ‘must-visit shop’ in Brighton and became nationally known through its very own TV Show on Channel 4 ‘A Very British Sex Shop’

With its groundbreaking design and female-friendly approach Taboo changed the look and feel of sex shops like no other retailer before, it created a new wave of adult boutiques which many others have followed.

The Dolce and Gabbana of Sex Shops

Once described in The Guardian as the “Dolce and Gabbana of Sex Shops” and featured on many TV shows including C4’s Sugar Rush, Wife Swap and The Sex Inspectors

Taboo welcomes all

Taboo welcomes women, couples, gay & straight, young & old. We embrace sexuality in all its forms and seek to reflect this in our attitude and retail environment.

Taboo’s sex toy selection is unparalleled in Brighton – Our product range starts at the most basic to high-end remote control toys including rabbits, vibrating eggs, dildos, strap-ons, cock rings, glass dildos and much more.

We also stock Electrastim equipment, surgical implements, a great range of bondage restraints, including wrist and ankle cuffs, paddles and floggers.

Dressing up

If you like to dress up come then check our clothing range. Whether it’s naughty nurse, sexy lingerie, vamp or pole-dancer, our staff will be pleased to squeeze you into latex, bondage, and sexy uniforms. Taboo carries its very own latex range for Men and Women.

Make Taboo your first stop for sexy shopping in Brighton.

Address: 2 Surrey Street, Brighton, BN1 3PA United Kingdom

Telephone: 01273 263565

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